My Afrikaburn Experience
“May your fears burn in the fire, my your dreams rise from the smoke“
If you have never heard of AfrikaBurn, you probably know about Burning Man in the US? A festival where everybody shares and creates together. AfrikaBurn is just a smaller version of the festival with around 11.000 people partying, creating, loving and sharing in the Tankwa Desert for 7 days. For a small impression check out this aftermovie.
So you don’t need a phone, you don’t need 4G and you don’t need your wallet! If you meet a cool person you just tell them to meet you the next day at one of the epic art sculptures in the desert. Isn’t that romantic?
The festival has so much to offer. There are workshops, yoga lessons, speed dating, the human carwash, disco dancing, beautiful wooden artworks and of course every evening there is a spectaculair burn. After a week in the desert you honestly believe all your dreams can come true!
See you in 2020!